Thursday, September 27, 2012

When you move Providence does too...

Bob and I celebrated our 19th(!) wedding anniversary last week with a trip to the beach.  While we were there we stopped by a local favorite hot sauce joint "Peppers" MY big schmoo of a husband and the owner  Chip Hearn, had a GREAT chat.  So great in fact that they asked Bob if he would be game to fill in last minute and do a food demo this weekend.  A ten case order later, all the details were filled in.  Pretty exciting for a fledgling business Bob's Best Quality. Pretty proud of the hubs...  If you are headed down to the sidewalk sale in Rehoboth this week stop by and chat up Bob.  It's good for Chip to know we have friends! 

Finished my boy in the fedora canvas, need to get a good shot for you.  And started my next one.  Excited!

1 comment:

Faith P said...

I enjoyed reaading your post