The new space is only two blocks away, right on the main drag in my little town. For twenty years 260 W. Broad Street was home to the Falls Church Antique Company Paul Quinn moved the business into the building right next door so vintage & antique lovers will have more than one place to explore! The new space happily is also in the same block as Natalia's . Natalia specializes in decadent desserts using all natural ingredients. She also offered yummy sandwiches and other special ethnic treats (pierogies at Christmas!).
So, follow the saga as I try to get the new shop open without losing my mind! Step 1: Sign Lease. Step 2: Go to City Hall and apply for Occupancy Permit. Step 3: Wait with bated breath to see what happens next. Step 4: Obsess about what to do with the Hideous Sixties Vinyl Tile that is in the main room of the space. (I must confess it isn't half as ugly in the photo as it is in real life!)
Stop in tomorrow night to meet our featured artist Ashby Foote! We hung her show yesterday and it looks great. Party starts at 5 and runs until 8ish. See you then-