Next epiphany: with some email programs (MY new one) you actually have to hit "receive"; one's email doesn't automatically populate. Thank heavens Debby was there to click for me before I panicked...
Next revelation: there are kind people at Verizon you just have to get through the menus to speak to them.
Had a fun, full productive day yesterday and today, none the less. Phil and his lovely bride and stalwart son got the picture rail hung with the able assistance of artiste Elizabeth. Laurie, Jean and the whole family came out to help tag and inventory lots of merchandise. Still not done with that one yet though... Got the place put back together after the construction and it is looking good! Cathy and her daughter came by to scope out the joint and swipe my print rack for the "Art in the Park" Event in Falls Church this evening. Also got a pleasant surprise visit from my friend Gail. I haven't seen Gail in ages. It was good to catch up. Gail ,tell the kids I'm impressed with their manners and endurance! We are 4 days to opening and my biggest concern is that I haven't had time to make as much as I would like. Guess that will come as I get more of rhythm when the shop opens. Opens MONDAY. eek.
Speaking of looking good. So was Bob today. He got home from his half day of work toting our take-out dinner ON ONE CRUTCH! Hooray Bob! And in physical therapy today Bob practiced walking with 2 crutches, one crutch, a cane and solo. It is such a gift that every time Bob's spirit starts to falter there is a a progression, a LEAP, to remind him that all the work he is doing pays off in increments. Not all of which are visible to the eye.