Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Revealed Histories - Art Opening this Thursday

I always tell people that while most artists have muses I am Beth Loftis' "nudge", always nagging her about something related to art and its marketing. Beth returned the favor recently by prodding me to join the art league and entering a piece of art into the October exhibit, saying the theme was just my cup of tea. Well, what do you know? I actually got accepted! The show at the gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria for details is called Revealed Histories—discovering, examining and meditating on the lives of our predecessors. As I work almost exclusively with found, vintage or heirloom materials I am flattered that the jury liked my entry. The opening is tomorow at 6:30 and the show continues through the month.

"Halle" as in Halloween will be lounging about the shop come tomorrow. Come visit her and if you haven't checked out our "Moumental Art Show" in honor of the upcoming election, what ARE you waiting for? Posted by Picasa