This last week has been a bit of a blur. Hard to believe it's been a week since I have posted. I have been full of good deeds done and received and been impressed by all of the good that is in the world (more on that later). I have been dodging the nightly news so I can concentrate on said good! On the Bob front he is feeling just well enough (3 weeks from tomorrow from his hip replacement surgery) that he is getting to be a pain in the back side. Actually really no, but he IS a lot perkier and feeling his oats. Wanting to push things physically and really go for it so it is all good. As long as he doesn't fall and mangle himself or others of course!
Friday night one of my neighbors wanted to host a neighborhood happy hour and called to see if Bob could come out and play. When the answer was "no". They brought the party to us! So we spent a very pleasant Friday evening munching, and drinking and talking. We are so blessed to be surrounded by folks that we actually like! Most people that see our 'hood in action really don't quite believe it is for real but it is!
The weekend was a real turning point for Bob, pain-wise. He has been able to drop his pain meds by 75%! So, thank you to all of you who have been praying for his healing. It is really having an impact!
Bob's big event for ths morning was he got to climb the stairs to the second floor of the house with Bill the physical therapist! Bill was really impressed with Bob's physical strength being able to manuever with both his operated hip and his prosthetic leg so king size bed and full size shower, here he comes!
One of my Fun Things To Do last week was put together a donation for the Northern Virginia AIDS Ministry's annual fundraiser. NOVAM ( was founded in 1987 by members of concerned faith communities in Northern Virginia who wanted to provide a compassionate response to the AIDS crisis. I put together this kid oriented donation because NOVAM does a lot of work with kids who are affected by the disease, whether they themselves are infected are perhaps have parents or caretakers who are.
IMAGINE is NOVAM's signature event featuring a fabulous evening of dancing, cocktails, dessert, live entertainment, and live and silent auctions. Many of Stifel & Capra's artists donate to this event. Just maybe because our good friend & neighbor Jane is the Children's Services Program Manager! The event is at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Old Town Alexandria on Saturday, April 26 at 8 pm. It is a high energy festive event so if it sounds like something you would like to find out more about please review NOVAM's web site for all of the details!