Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sweets for the Sweet!

Cutest baby EVER! Maybe the little guys in your life MIGHT be cuter but Mama Becca of "Tea with Mrs. B" and I might disagree while our man models his brand new Christmas tree hat. Super cute! We had out 2nd annual art and gift market on Saturday. Lots of fun guest vendors and a couple in house favorites (visit out facebook page http://www.facebook.com/StifelandCapra for more pics!).

We have been busy little elves pulling the vintage Christmas goodies out of the crafty cellar.  I am TRYING to pace myself on days like this but it is kind of like when you go car shopping "just to look" and come home with a new vehicle. 'Tis hard not to go nuts once you get started.  No one seems to be mind though...  Still feels like I am rushing the season a bit. Although one would never know it from watching TV!  I think I saw my first Christmas ad two days BEFORE Halloween. ugh.

I am SUPER excited about our new stock.  Almost to much to type.  will post more pics soon!Posted by Picasa

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