Friday, April 4, 2008

FIRSTFriday at Stifel & Capra

Someone in the gallery this morning enquired if it was "tradition" to rain on First Friday. I will say that it certainly seems like it lately! Although at two today the sun today the sun came out. So fingers crossed! We will be at the shop tonight from 5 to 8pm admiring all of the new art AND my daughter's birthday cake. She turns twelve today. Seems like she was 3 last week so I more than a little confused. Every one tells me if I think the first decade went fast , just wait for the second!

Bob seems to have reached a new breakthrough today where he was one step LESS than miserable, actually on the recuperation path, guardedly optimistic. Hhe still has pain standing up and sitting down but feels more comfortable with his exercise routine (probably because his therapist told him to back way off as he Bob was doing too much!) Thank you to everyone who is keeping Bob company while I am at the shop. I feel like I am running about a month behind so every minute is precious. Did I mention I was thankful?

Tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month so DO stop in! We will be open from 10am to 5pm for your viewing pleasure (and there is sure to be leftover cake; it's a monster!).
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